Friday, May 21, 2010

Airborne BMX Rider

The BMX Riders

The BMX Riders

If I ever tried a wall ride, or a bunny hop with my bike I would end up at the emergency room with a few broken bones. Not so for Jesper and Jocke. Two seasoned BMX riders from Stockholm. I met them near a supermarket in Handen earlier this week. They were out shooting some scenes for an upcoming DVD called Toasted II. Apparently the first Toasted DVD has sold out. The guys have been into BMX for nearly 25 years, so they know what they are doing. But even a pro misses sometimes and I noticed one painful crash. It's a growing sport and the shop where they buy their bikes sold around 300 BMX bikes last year. They have uploaded some videos to Vimeo, but I haven't been able to find them yet.

Skywatch Friday.


  1. Balance, probably the most difficult, yet most successful mean of movement.

    Please have a nice Friday.

    daily athens

  2. It is amazing what these guys can do with their bikes. Great shots.

  3. Impressive. I would hate to lose my balance and land on that railing.

  4. Cool cpature, I think I would leave that to the experts.!

  5. Excellent pictures, Steffe. I will just watch, though...

  6. What an interesting and amazing view of the bike riders. It scares me just looking at your photos. Looks like a very dangerous sport.

  7. terrific airborne shot. with no protective gear, this is scary.

  8. Oh oh hope nobody gets hurt! Happy Friday!


  9. I'm too old to do that! But I do love these shots, especially the first one. Great captures. Happy skywatching.

  10. Bra bidrag till temat och annorlunda, vilket gillas. Duktiga pojkar det där. Inget för mig:D

  11. They dare and they enjoy to do so.. now that's living life with full FUN!!!

    Pixellicious Photos

  12. Vad hände med bilderna på tuffingarna som badade på lillrudan? :)

  13. Dom kommer vilken dag som helst. Men går redan att spana in på flickr.

  14. Good Grief!!! No way would I have ever tried a stunt like that ... not even 50 years ago!

    Cool shadow of the biker in the first photo!
