Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Abandoned Farm

The Abandoned Farm

This is Lövsättra. The name sättra means a field outside a village and that's very fitting here. The abandoned farm is located in a forest, just outside of Tungelsta. You can tell that it is abandoned by the state of the road leading up to the farm. It is grass covered and there are fallen trees everywhere. There are four buildings at the old farm. The main house, to the right on the top photo. The big barn to the left, (that has a roof that doesn't look that old). There are also a wood shed and one stone cellar type of building. I spent about an hour here walking around taking in the sights and shooting some photos so if you are interested have a look at the slideshow. I found some glass jars in the kitchen, and a few other items. Up on the attic I noticed a bed. There were some more things in the barn. Among them garden tools, a tyre swing and a home made bench. And also a workbench with tools and nails. I don't have any other info about this place yet, but my sisters husband (a long time journalist), has been digging around a bit, and he found a living relative to the last farmer who used this land, and has interviewed her for an upcoming article at


  1. Beautiful colour and photos - and a very interesting set of photos, thanks for the set! I love the tyre swing...

    So cool that you went exploring :)

  2. There are some interesting things in the barn. That one thing looks like a kind tripod used when splitting shingles.

  3. Great slide show, Steffe. I see you caught a couple of self-portraits.

  4. What wonderful photos. I found you through Abe--he's right, you are an amazing photographer. I like the way you look a the world.

    These photos fill my eyes, which is the greatest compliment I can give.

  5. Neat farm shots... and thanks for the congrats for my daughter graduating.

  6. What a neat place. It would be nice if it was at least maintained and around for a while.

  7. Så synd att låta det förfalla. Det finns alldeles för många sådana gamla gårdar. Fint timrat uthus och allt - åtminstone delvis. Bänken skulle jag kunna tänka mig och låg det inte en gammal kratta/räfsa där någonstans som såg lockande ut(?)

    Det är något visst med falurött. Trots att jag är ständigt omgiven av det, så tröttnar jag aldrig. Och just poetnarcisser är extra vackra mot det röda med sin tunna röda ring. Det fanns inga fler spännande trädgårdsväxter kvar? Fast du kanske inte tittar efter sådant.

    Du är aldrig uppe vid Paradiset? Och Sandemar? Borde du inte hoja ut och fota lite kungsängsliljor och Adam & Eva? ;)

    Jättefin bildserie!

  8. Paradiset, det var länge sedan, brukar trava upp till Tornberga då ock då. Får väl stanna till vid Sandemar nästa gång jag tar mig ut till Dalarö.
