Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Anonymous Girl

The Girl with the Red Hair

This is Malin. She was easy to spot with her beautiful red hair. I met Malin and her mother in Handen. They were on their way home from a visit to the Hammarby Horse Farm in Högsta. A farm that I have visited. It is owned by Rolf Norlin and his wife Tina. Malin helps out at the farm where she also often rides the horse Atina. I like it when I can link people like that. And when I mentioned the rock band I met the other day she obviously knew about them as well. Malin is a ninth grade student at Söderbymalmsskolan. Perhaps not a coincident, but I did meet that schools most famous student last summer. Come the fall she will be studying Japanese at the Tumba secondary school and is hoping to travel to Japan and study there in a not too distant future. Oh, and I took around ten photos of Malin, all very good, something that her mother and I agreed on, but Malin wasn't that sure.


  1. Looks good on her..students at my school do this all the time!

  2. She has such a fay, puckish beauty. I could look at every photo you have of her, Steffe. I think she could be an actress.

  3. I love Malin's hair, not sure about the hardware in her nose though.

  4. love the hair! i'm a bit jealous :) wish i could get away with dying my hair that fantastic red! great pic...

  5. Stunning colour! And more hair than I have left.

  6. This shot is electric - terrific composition, color and subject. Her style seems so in-your-face but she herself seems so sweet.

  7. un beau portrait, une coiffure qui me rappelle les années 1970

  8. I like her hair too. Reminds me of my younger days! So not only am I impressed by all the portraits you take, but all the information you are able to get from people too!

  9. She's a stunner. Love the hair against that pale skin. I love Brattcat's description of her. I also loved the champion swimmer you linked to. Well all your portraits are brilliant, Steffe. I so agree with you about linking people. That happens here sometimes when I'm out taking pics and of course it immediately relaxes the person.

    Loved your young love shot yesterday.

  10. Tks for dropping in on RuT, Steffe. That 208 times photographed Swedish Whitebeam deserves your attention. The "Troll Bikers" and friends have blown me away ;-)!

  11. A superb shot of a pretty and unique model!
    I like it!

  12. You could always find her in a crowd.

  13. I love the two little dimples at the corner of her mouth!!

  14. She stands out in a crowd, that's for sure. She'll probably stand out even more in Japan! Another nice portrait. The red hair is striking!

  15. WOW! Cool hair colour. Funnily enough, it looks great on her.

  16. Striking! Another brilliant portrait, Steffe. I really like how the textured background contrasts with her smooth skin. Do you take your portraits on the spot where you meet?

  17. I heard back from Malin, she wasn't all that happy with the portrait which is a little hard to understand.

    That differs from time to time Slim. If I see a nice background nearby I will usually ask the subject if we can shoot there. Here it was easy as we were chatting at the entrance to their building.
