Friday, March 26, 2010

The Man in the Tower

The Man in the Tower

City Hall

All of a sudden I heard someone shouting, but I couldn't figure out from where the sound came. Looking around I noticed a few people staring up to the roof of City Hall. And there he was. The man in the tower. Climbing high up in the cell tower. Must have been a technician fixing something. Another worker was standing on the roof, but I have no idea what they talked about, but it made for a few good photos so who cares!

Skywatch Friday.


  1. Interesting sight, you don't see that often. I too would be taking pics of that.

  2. Holy crap! What would possess someone to do that kind of work? Yikes! Maybe he was looking for his lost cellphone?

  3. Great for photos but I wouldn't want to climb up there especially in a thunderstorm. :)

  4. Yikes, that doesn't look like he's having fun at all.

  5. I do not envy him his job. Eek.
    But I am thankful that there are people like him so we can have our conveniences.

  6. Så läckert att få sitta där uppe som fågel och ha koll på "hela världen"! Du tar jättesnygga bilder!

  7. I'm guessing he's being paid well for going up there. I'm glad it's him and not me. Boy, you broke out the loooong lens for that close up. NIce and clear Steffe.

  8. I guess you have a powerful telephoto lens and was able to magnify the man on the tower.

    Great capture!

    Against Gray Sky

  9. As it happened I took a shot yesterday of the stuff I carry with me in my camera bag. You can see it here.

  10. I like to climb top places and this one is great. I would bring my camera with this one and hope to wait for sunset ^_^. But don't like his job what if he forgets to bring something he has to go down again? Lol!! Like the shots thanks for sharing. Happy weekend!

    SWF~ Blue sky

  11. Neat photo for the skywatch. It's always nice to be in the right place at the right time to catch something special!

  12. This could have been a good "Where's Waldo?" posting if you didn't post the close up photo of "Waldo" up in the tower. Or in Sweden, do you say, "Where's Bengt?"
    God helg

  13. Ingenting i världen skulle få mig dit upp!

  14. Interesting view of the sky. Good shot!

  15. Super shot! You must have got a really great zoom lens..

    Pixellicious Photos

  16. A kind of pictures I always like: people working in strange places!
