Monday, March 15, 2010

A lazy Day at the Lake

A lazy Day at the Lake

This must be the perfect way to spend a sunny winter's day. Doing absolutely nothing. That is if you call suntanning nothing. This is Ida, Marcus and Marie-Louise. They were sitting on the frozen Lower Lake Rudan in Handen on Saturday. In front of them on the ice I spotted the leftovers from their lunch. Around them sat a few ice fishers, with no fishing luck what so ever. Not a bad way to spend a few hours, sitting on the ice, enjoying lunch, and each others company, while looking at the unlucky ice fishers.


  1. It makes a nice photo. I would rather sit indoors before a roaring fire in the fireplace. This looks too cold for me.

  2. They look so happy to be there at that moment. Fun capture, Steffe.

  3. Couldn't be too cold since two of them are not wearing gloves. A good way to spend some time to get over the winter doldrums; however, I prefer my sunbathing on a warm, sunny summer beach!

  4. A Swedish tan must be just the face and fingers.

  5. Looks just like here;except the people are in bathing suits, on a beach and it's 79 degrees.

  6. Ha! Funny one! Summer WILL come.

  7. good blog i love it
    have a nice day

  8. Oj, rackarns! Hon ser precis ut som en gammal klasskompis till mig. Och namnet stämmer.

  9. I think it was around 5C on Saturday.

    I'm with you on the beach thing Kate, although I actually stopped at my favorite beach today. It was no one there and the Bay was frozen.Might post a photo in a day or three.

    Ha ha, I take it you don't know too many Swedes then Bob. As soon as we notice sunshine we strip and head outside!

    So I guess you will have to prove that BSquared!

    Sure thing Kostas!

    Där ser man! Det är ju en ganska liten kommun så du borde ju känna igen någon. I början så samlade jag alla namn i ett anteckningsblock och kunde tack vare det pussla ihop en massa folk, nu har jag mina anteckningar utspridda så det går inte lika lätt längre.

  10. Nice, I can feel the warmth. . .

  11. superb! What a great composition and you captured their emotions perfectly

  12. Looks like a great afternoon. At least they were spending it together. I wonder what was for lunch?

  13. Jo, jag har faktiskt förvånats över att jag inte känner igen fler. Bara den där skäggige karln med hund, väst och Beppemössa i Åbylund. Det kanske beror på att alla ni andra har blivit så förskräckligt GAMLA - till skillnad från mig, som ständigt är lika ung och fräsch som en nyponros ;)

  14. Something grilled I think it was.

    Ha, så är det förstås!
