Friday, February 19, 2010

Winter Construction


Winter Construction

Despite the long winter a few new houses are still being built at Ålsta in Tungelsta. I started shooting the changes in this area five years ago. Back then there was a few plant nurseries, a stable and a few houses here. Five years on it's hard to believe that it's the same place. If you have a few hours check out the slideshow.

Skywatych Friday.


  1. Some great photography there. Also, so interesting to see construction go on despite the extreme weather. I saw similar when I lived in Toronto. It's impressive.

  2. I guess all that pristine white snow has to be moved so construction can happen. Pity to make it all dirty! There speaks a person who never has snow around to enjoy!

  3. Love to see blues skies and snow on the ground. I think that makes for a pretty picture.

  4. You really have done a wonderful job of photo-documenting the change in that area. Those photos may be of some importance someday. Nice work Steffe. And you weren't kidding when you said a few hours on the slide show. ;-)

  5. I'm surprised the ground isn't frozen solid.

  6. how surreal it feels to look at construction in snow! but the pictures are beautiful! lego-like quality almost! :)

  7. Those have to be difficult conditions to work in.

  8. Tough enough to dig through soil, but to dig through snow too before the soil!

    Very pretty houses.

    Happy Friday and happy weekend, Steffe!

  9. Impressive effort, construction on going with the snow all over. But great photos here.

  10. Cool pictures, but BRRRR too cold, I'm glad I don't have to work outside in the cold
    happy friday :)

  11. Did they do that thing with burning coal on the ground here? I'll watch the slideshow at home, later.

  12. That new house will have such beautiful light coming in.

  13. I love that modern house, it has great windows. I feel sorry for the people who have to work construction in winter though. That must not be a pleasant job.

  14. Wow Steffe, I just watched the slide show and was amazed. I remember shots of the nursery and some of the first structures from your Flickr shots a long time ago. To see them all together in sequence really does show how rapidly the changes have come. The pre-fabricated "kit" style of building can go very quickly on site. I liked some of the structures, but when seen how close together some are, then not so much. Is it one developer who has planned this growth, or several?
    Wonderful shots. Which would you want to live in if given the choice? :-)

  15. Torbjorn seems quite busy with his big machinery! I want you to show us that house under construction when it is done!
    God helg

  16. No coal burning here Mr. Poet.

    There are many different contractors here Kim. And many different types of houses. I don't like the square boxes. But some of the newer houses are very different, and more to my liking. If I had to choose one I would probably go with this one.
