Saturday, January 16, 2010

Two Story Window

Two Story Window

Many of the new homes that have been built at Ålsta in Tungelsta in the last few years aren't very interesting. But this one is a bit different with that two story window. I posted a photo of this house in February last year. Back then the place was still a construction site. A year later the owner (Niklas, who found the photo and left a comment), have moved in. Oh, and a fun note. If you head over to flickr (just click on the photo), and look at the map, you can see that this house stands in what once was a greenhouse.


  1. What an interesting coincidence, and the more windows the better as far as I am concerned! Thanks!

  2. I remember this when it was under construction. Those windows are terrific and I think especially so in Sweden - they will let in lots of light and warmth!

  3. I hope they are windows that keep the cold out and the solar gain in.

  4. Lots of light, just like a greenhouse. I'd like that house - I like windows!
    Three Rivers Daily Photo

  5. I really like this place and I'm sure those windows play a big part in heating and lighting.

  6. With all those windows, I hope there's a view! Here, many new houses are uilt quite close together so the view would be into the next house.

  7. Men var fagerlund hittar du den kartan? Jag måste vara trög. Är det Rockdala?

  8. Helt rätt. Huset står på den platsen där Rockdalas växthus en gång stod. Om du tittar på bilden på flickr till höger om bilden så står det Taken in Tungelsta. På samma rad står det map, tryck där. Sen kan duzooma in och ut, och välja mellan map, hybrid och satellite.

  9. Those are cool and neat windows, I like tall windows makes room for more light to get in the house.

  10. Ja, nu hittade jag den :) Tack!

  11. That is quite a window! I would hate to have to clean it.

  12. This is a spectacular window, I guess the glass is quite "thick".

  13. There's my house again! I like the windows, you get the feeling of being outside when your inside. I´m raised in a family owned potplant company, so it reminds me of being in a greenhouse.
    The windows are very good isolated so it does keep it warm, we were a bit worried about that but it works fine. Thanks Steffe /Niklas
