Monday, January 25, 2010

In the Dark

In the Dark

It's been a long, cold and dark winter (despite all the snow). I'm much more of a summer person. Which means that I'm a bit fed up with all things winter. And according to the meteorologist there's more of the same to come. We are expecting a few cold days, followed by a massive snow fall on Wednesday. Sounds a bit depressing. Who do you call for a blue sky and some sunshine?

(the photo shows me sitting in my reading chair in the dark, surfing the web.)


  1. SUPERBE, une réussite totale....BRAVO

  2. I am with you on this one. Now add in the fact that you cannot get your breath like normal people do in cold weather and have to use oxygen some of the times and you will know what winter depression is that I have got.

  3. Well, yes Steffe you too have a happy start of the week!

  4. Oh Steffe, I've been kinda wondering if you're out in the dark! But, maybe you could be enlightened?!

  5. I think maybe a smile now and then would make you feel a whole lot better, Steffe. So serious...

  6. That is a great shot Steffe! I can see the reflections of your computer screen in your glasses. I won't mention the weather we have had lately or you might become more depressed.

  7. A rather disembodied photo. Who do you call for sun and blue skies? In the words of Larry Emder (game show host) - "Come on down". We have plenty of both. Today it'll be 30ºC,although it's a bit chilly at the moment - it's only 17ºC!
    Melbourne Daily Photo

  8. That's one of the best self-portraits I've ever seen!

    You could always come to Florida, you know!

  9. A few days ago at a workplace, I saw a person sitting in some rather strong light. Simply to awoid winterdepression. It works - so, get some light on you. I know you coun't have got this superportrait of you with more light on you. Next week the last wintermonth begin, and it is short this year. But - it is good to live where the times of the year are shifting?

  10. A fantastic shot: it could be used as a poster for a movie on a serial... portraiter!
    Every year I find winter (our mild version of it) a bit more uncomfortable, I think it is more the age than the season.

  11. Dark indeed, up there nearer to the North Pole

  12. Thanks people. I don't suffer from winter depression, I'm just a bit tired of the cold and dark. But as I'm typing this I'm actually looking at a blueish sky!

  13. Great shot! The summer solistice is getting nearer every day!

  14. I don't lol, I much prefer winter anyday!

  15. Wow, a disembodied head! I love this self-portrait! Very dramatic and telling!
