Thursday, November 05, 2009

Varieties of Autumn

That Old Tree

That Old Tree

Sleet is a good word for today. Listening to the weather report yesterday evening, it looked like we could get some snow this morning, but it's more that awful mix of rain and snow. Heading home on the bike yesterday I experienced the first hail storm of the season. So with this weather I'm not very likely to use the camera today, which is why I figured I could show you my two latest photos of the old tree at Välsta. First photo is from early November on a beautiful day. The misty photo is from late October.


  1. Was it difficult for you to find the tree a second time? Great shots of the same tree! Again for a snow covered shot . . . .

  2. I think I may have seen this tree before. I am beginning to like the patterns of its branches.

  3. The tree, the tree! Fantastic - both shots, but I do like the misty, moody one best!

    That couldn't have been much fun, biking in the hail.

  4. Love the shot, hate the weather.

  5. Oh how wonderful to see the tree again! Both shots are beautiful.

  6. Great photos there. I like the fog in the wintry scene. I'm surprised to see the grass so dry.
    Melbourne Daily Photo

  7. I admire the ease you move between capturing a people's personality in a portrait and capturing nature's mood in your landscapes! Great work!

  8. Wonderful tree, standing alone in the fog and mist. Fine image!

  9. I begin to consider this tree as a sort of faraway relative. A visible difference for few days, but it's obviously the season. Say hello for me to the tree!

  10. How I love this tree. You have perfect timing. You bring back the image of this tree just when I most need to see it.

  11. You could be right about that AB. I have 197 photos of the old tree...
    Glad the old tree have so many fans!

    The misty photos often turn out a bit special. It was kinda refreshing actually Jacob!

    No real winter here yet BlossomFlowerGirl, I don't count that first hailstorm!

    Thanks Lachezar.

    Will do Mr. Poet!

    I'm thinking of making a 2010 calendar to sell online and the old tree will probably appear there.

  12. Oh my god, I want to be in this photograph walking along this road!
