Thursday, November 26, 2009

Third time's the charm

Third time's the charm

This is Beki. I have met her twice before this year and asked her for a portrait, and today at Lake Rudan, she said yes, so it really pays to be persistent! She's a former rhetoric student at the university in Stockholm, so I'm very happy that I managed to persuade to pose for a portrait! Beki lives in Handen, she's currently on maternity leave and is often out walking with her dog Luna, a mastiff, and her baby son Marley. Beki is an artist, a professional singer. Although at the moment it's more of a hobby. She used to sing funk and hip-hop, but these days it's more spiritual music and Gospel and she has performed in a few churches.


  1. beau portrait, si j'ai bien compris, il ne nous manque que le son pour apprécier sa belle voix.

  2. Hej du Beki! Nice portrait, Steffe Meister! It would be fun to see her singing in a church or other locale. Maybe she could let you know her singing schedule. Beautiful dog - nice or lots of barking?

  3. she is fantastic!!! The dog's expression is priceless.

  4. A beautiful portrait, Steffe. Glad you persisted. It always astounds me how women manage and baby and a dog and a pram at the same time.

  5. great portrait. And the pooch is especially good...razor sharp!

  6. That's it Steffe, keep the pressure on. I'm glad you did. You ended up with fine addition to your collection. It looks like her dog was really keeping an eye on you. Maybe you should start carrying a steak with you.

  7. Congratulations on getting this portrait. It was worth the wait.

  8. Nice portrait! I bet she's pleased she said yes :-)

  9. Luna was a very friendly dog Leif. I showed the photo to Beki (still in the camera), and she liked it, so I hope she's pleased with the result.
