Monday, October 19, 2009

Cyclist hit by car

Cyclist hit by car

As I was getting ready for a bike ride on Sunday I could hear the ambulance sirens nearby. A few minutes later this was the scene at Söderbyvägen in Tungelsta. A cyclist had been hit by a car. The injured cyclist looked very pale as he was lying by the side of the road. It's a two lane road and this happened near an intersection where there is a 90 degree turn. I think the driver of the car must have been speeding, and driving on the wrong side of the road when he hit the cyclist. It looked like the cyclists neck had been stabilised and I think he might have broken an arm. I stopped and talked to one of the guys from the rescue services as I took a few photos. As you can guess this shook me up a bit as I'm always out on my bike, year round.


  1. This a very good shot,-right on the spot, and I hope the newspaper can use your photo.
    I hope the cyclist will be ok again soon!!

  2. Ride safe. These days you need to have eyes in the back of your head. Great shot.

  3. That's too bad. I hope he recovers quickly and completely. Be careful on the road...defensive cycling.

  4. I hate this! We bike quite a bit and I'm always nervous, even in bike lanes or on wide roads...a two-lane road scares the bejeebers out of me...fortunately, we have a six-mile paved loop in the woods near our home where we often ride.

    Take for stoopids driving cars!

  5. My wife warned me the other day that more people visit hospital emergency rooms in the USA due to bicycle accidents than any other sport.

  6. Glad this wasn't you Steffe. I'm a cyclist myself and I try to be as careful as I can. The trouble is this guy was probably being careful too. Here's hoping he has a quick recovery.

  7. Uff da! Oj da! Hope you wear your helmet, Steffe Meister! Hope the biker dude was ok! Ta det lungt!

  8. c'est le danger, beaucoup d'automobilistes ne font pas attention aux cyclistes ;o(

  9. I can understand why you got shook up. Even if you're very careful and take all safety precautions, a reckless car driver will put all that to nothing. A bike is just no match for a car.

    I pray it was just a broken arm and nothing worse. Be careful, Steffe.

  10. Oh no, how scary! This happens here quite frequently too. I wish drivers would just watch where they are going!

  11. Hope the best for the unlucky cyclist. A wonderful image in a quite sad circumstance.

  12. I wish drivers would be more careful! I think some people become totally different persons once they start their car engines.

  13. There seem to be an ongoing "war" between drivers and cyclists. The roads are not as safe as they used to be.

    There's a lot of colour in the photo and it's well balanced.
    I hope the cyclist is alright.
    Melbourne Daily Photo
