Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Circus Girl

The Circus Girl

Cool Bike of the Day

This is Moa. I met her on Saturday when she was performing with her fellow circus students and other circus performers during the opening ceremony for the new motorway that I told you about in yesterdays post. Moa is attending the three year program at the Cirkus Cirkör secondary school. Cirkus Cirkör is a contemporary circus group that was formed in Stockholm in 1995 by Tilde Björfors. The next step in Moa's education could be three years at the University College of Dance in Stockholm, or a similar school in France. After that all the world could be her stage. We talked a little about how the school works, and it's very different from when I was her age, we didn't have circus schools in Sweden back then. On the second photo you can see Moa in the very cool bathtub bike sitting next to a young girl who must have been very excited by meeting these circus people.


  1. Steffe - with your bicycle, you fit right in! Do you like the accountant or the circus girl better??

  2. Moa with the twinkly eyes! A sweetheart...

    I really like that traveling bathtub and the itsy-bitsy bike! Can't quite see how she makes the bike work, though.

    Good job, Steffe!

  3. That's an excellent portrait. The light is perfect and shows off her makeup very well

  4. I had to go back to yesterday's post and catch up. I'm glad you got the chance to take a ride on it all by yourself. What a great feeling. I hope Moa goes on with her dreams and has the time of her life. The others said it right, she is a sparkler.

  5. Very model like features and make up! She's beautiful! Nice photos!

    - Pixellicious Photos

  6. I like the way they have been experimenting at merging the circus art form with theatre.

  7. You just have to invite LEIF over..... ;-)

    Anyway, some really nice and interesting shots!
    I hope you work as a photographer for your newspaper!!
    No matter what boring paper, your photos are fantastic.

    Keep up the good work!

  8. The hat and the bike are two wonderful images. Hats, hats, hats - I have hats on the brain!

  9. That craft has all but vanished over here. Even the circus is disappearing.

  10. What an interesting contraption! We have a college circus at Florida State University and you can take a circus class for credit.

  11. She's very pretty. I am sure she will make a wonderful circus performer!

  12. I'd like to be there with my camera!

  13. Some bodies are amazingly agile. The girl with the sparkles is a cutie!

  14. That's about the neatest bicycle I've ever seen! Totally cool pictures!

  15. Cool story you got here. It would be great to read a bit more about that matter. Thank you for posting that info.
    Joan Stepsen
    Hi tech pharma
