Friday, May 29, 2009

Best served with?


An edible gastropod. I'd never eaten one of these. And luckily for this "Vinbergssnäcka" or Burgundy Snail that I met at the Tungelsta school a couple of days ago, that's not very likely to change any time soon. I hear that they should be served with a lot of garlic. But perhaps anyone of you out there, looking at this suddenly feel hungry? If so let me know how you would serve this.


  1. Wow! How wonderful. It looks enormous. And that gorgeous swirl. Thanks for this - made my night.

  2. Terrific picture. You must have been lying in the street and using a macro or telephoto lens. Good eyes, as they say.

  3. With garlic and cheese:p A great capture!

  4. Garlic and parcily and chives and some sour cream on the side.

    Excellent photo my friend, that looks really really cool!

    En svensk anekdot. Några vänners coola femåring (som är väldigt smart för sin ålder) sitter med sin lillebror och tittar på Björnes magasin. Plötsligt vänder hon sig till oss vuxna och frågar "Men... varför kallas han Snigel egentligen - han är ju en snäcka?"

  5. bonne photo, j'aime beaucoup l'angle de prise de vue. Pas de problème avec les radars de la police ;o)
    good photograph, I like the viewing angle very much. No problem with the radars of the police ;o)

  6. With butter, garlic and parsley. For some reason, they always seem to be eaten by the dozen, so I would have to find another 11.

  7. Love the shot, Steffe. I don't eat snails either and I live in France. I used to but they are normally served with so much garlic butter I get ill! Anyway I've been a vegetarian for years now and snails come into the meat category. Glad this one will survive.

  8. I only eat the garlic butter! Did you follow that one around for a long time before you caught the perfect shot?!! ;-)

  9. My mom will eat this happily, I'd try only to take some shots 'Steffe' style.
    Very good 'catch', within my range of physical efforts.

  10. I can not give you the exact recipy, but I have eaten 3-4 times. People here think of snails as a tasty desert!
    What I think is interesting to tell you, is the fact that, before cooking them (put them in boiling water, still alive, bliahhhhh...), you must leave them for a whole night in a pan with flour, covered (not to escape), so that they eat the flour, get it out (with the...normal way), so that they are clean to be consumed afterwards!!

  11. Not bad for a HP Photosmart point and shoot camera!

    Smart unge!

    Too much garlic can have some disadvantages!

    A tasty desert for me would be Strawberries and Cream.

  12. I would have this served at an outdoor cafe in Paris. Excellent photo!

  13. Best served to someone else, that's what I say!

  14. I have always liked snails, since I was a boy, but I make it a rule never eat anything that lives in its own house.
    Nice photo.

  15. Poor snail, a lot of people around here would cook it. Great macro.
