Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Track Inspector

On Track

Meet the Track Inspector. Sven Andersson from Uppsala (130 km north from here). It's the ninth year he is inspecting these rail tracks at the industrial area in Jordbro. I noticed him as he was taking photos of the tracks, and I always stop and talk to any photographer I spot. Sven works for Jernhusen. A company that own a lot of rail tracks and many rail related properties around the country, like terminals and workshops. Sven also has his own company in the same line of business, and that was the reason for the photos he was taking. He told me a lot about his work and showed me some of the tools he uses, among them a tungspets. We talked a bit about Tungelsta, and he mentioned that he sometimes visits a flea market there. Not surprisingly, I have posted a photo from that flea market. Once every year Sven's family has a big flea market on their own in his dads old barn. It attracts a few hundred people. After this chat I took a bunch of photos of Sven and he took one of me.


  1. This is such a good portrait, Steffe. I do like the way you are doing your Strangers. You spend much more time chatting than I do. Once I get to 100 I will try to change over to your approach.

  2. I'm always shy of taking close ups like this. I think people will mind and say something! This is a great photo - really captures the man and his work.

  3. His clothes are so colorful! The angle of this shot is wonderful!

  4. I love this photo. Who knew there was someone who actually physically inspects the tracks?

  5. Wonderful environmental portrait of Mr. Andersson. Anything to do with trains is interesting; he has quite an important job ensuring rail safety. With your orange jacket, it looks like you were assisting:)

  6. Interesting story and nice photography. I like the last two portraits you did.


  7. Very good shot and nice story. You have to get your picture by Sven and post it here.

  8. Well Julie, most of the time you only get one chance to talk to the people you meet, so you better ask them a few questions while you are at it!

    Already done that Vogon Poet. Just follow the last link in my post. Or just press here.

  9. You must have the proverbial gift for gab...Great work.

    I wonder, though, how Sven keeps track of all his work!

  10. Track inspector. I never really thought about it. I guess there are so many jobs for things that we just take for granted.

    Neon orange suits you.

  11. Hi Steffe
    I have become a lot more comfortable talking to strangers since I started Leeds Photo Daily.
    I always try to get a story from the people I photograph.
    This is a really nice portatrait of a guy at work.

  12. I just love this shot. Whenever I look at your portraits I always get a sense that something valuable has been saved from being lost. This is a strong image that tells a story - just great.

  13. Thank you for visiting my MARBURG DAILY blog.
    Great to see that you mainly captured people of your city. Amazing!
    "The Track Inspector" is a great job.

  14. Hello Juergen. I wouldn't say mainly portraits, but ever since I did the 100 Strangers series, I feel the need to go out and shoot more portraits. If you haven't tried it yet, give it a go. It's great fun, just ask Paul!

  15. After forgot my meeting with you Steffe, today I found your business card in the car.
    A good picture of me and my work.
    Some additional facts: Each trafficked railway tracks must have an annual inspection, this is the law.
    In Sweden there are about 160 licensed track inspectors.
    Besides being a track inspector, I also track manager at Jernhusen.

    Greatings from

    The Track Inspector
