Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Into The Forest We Go

Into The Forest We Go

Together with a flickr contact and friend, Jim (kenny lex), I took a walk through a forest near the 700 year old village of Ormsta in Österhaninge last weekend. We managed to find two runestones from the Viking Era. And a rusty old car from the 1930ths. How it got there is a bit of a mystery as there are no roads here. We also found groovy looking dead tree and a few old cairns. There are also some graves from the Bronze Age in the forest. Jim had been here before, and with the help of his GPS device we located what we were looking for, and as a bonus we found the balanced rocks at hole number nine at the nearby golf course. Not bad for an hours walk I think! Oh and in case you don't know, the cool looking guy next to the 1000 year old runestone, well that's me.


  1. All of that in an hour! Sounds like a very nice walk. This is a lovely collection of pictures!

  2. What a great bunch of shots. I especially like the dude in the car. Keep up the good work : )

  3. That's one of the nicest and most interesting collages I've seen!

    Excellent work! That one guy holding up the rock ain't too bad looking. Is that the one you meant?

  4. Love the balance rocks and I'm glad to hear that was a rune stone and not graffiti! I hope someone drags that old car away though — trash!

    And you just had to put your photo in the middle, yes? :D

  5. I wonder if that tree was equally groovy when it was alive and kicking. Hardly.

  6. The dude in the car is Jim. Spot on Jacob, Someone has to take the centre stage! I think the car fits in perfectly now, as it has acclimatised itself in the surroundings after all these years. I have to say that standing next to that fantastic runestone got me thinking again. Who was that Viking Jörund and where did he travel with his friend Ulv one thousand years ago?

  7. Your explorations are always interesting and this one, for an hour walking, produced a lot of nice and funny shots.
    The collage is really well done and you, of course, deserve the center image.

  8. Ah Steffe, this is a great collage of what was a fruitful hour in the forest! Great fun to look at.

  9. Ahahaha, really a cool guy you are!!
    Not only watching other people, it is nice to see you some times, also!!
