Saturday, March 14, 2009

That Old Tree

That Old Tree

Last week when we all thought that spring had arrived to Haninge there was a comment on a previous post on my blog, from Linda who I have met near the old tree. She told me that she had observed 10 whooper swans on the field behind the old tree. So naturally I decided to head back to capture that spring sign. Unfortunately the return of winter beat me to it, and this was the scene a couple of days ago, as I took my 172th photo of the Swedish Whitebeam. Sadly there was no sign of the swans.


  1. Well... even without swans it's still beautiful!

  2. Really huge tree! Nice snowy shot!

  3. You could post a photo of this tree every day and I would keep coming back. You can count on it to always be there and provide you with its changing beauty. I love it.

  4. Like something out of a dream. Misty mood.

  5. That is so beautiful!! Bravo, Steffe!

  6. Thanks all. And I'm still hoping that the planned golf course here will never happen!

  7. Jag såg att svanarna hade flyttat sig till längst bort på den åkern som ligger bakom trädet... De syns nästan inte. Jajja, snygg bild i alla fall!

    Vet inte vilket man hoppas på; golfbana eller bebyggelse. De fattar ju inte att folk bor här just för närheten till naturen! Man blir så trött på alla byggplaner i Tungelsta/V-h./Linda

  8. ja jag såg också svanarna på ängen bakom (red runt dom med Gná) i två dagar innan den förbaskade snön återvände.

  9. Nu när snön är borta får jag väl ta mig en ny titt. Men det lär ju vara ganska lerigt på stigen efter alla hästar...

  10. I Love your winter scenes - so different from anything I get to see.
