Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Trying to blend in

Trying to blend in

Arriving home today I saw and heard a Green Woodpecker (Picus viridis), high up in the spruce hedge. It's one of my favorite birds, and very tricky to photograph as it is very shy. It feeds on ants and there is an anthill in the spruce hedge, and I can often hear the bird as it has a high call. But with it's green color it blends in perfectly with the tree branches so it's not easy to spot. Luckily I managed to take this photo before the bird flew away.


  1. I had not seen a green woodpecker before coming here and now you have posted one; and thanks for that.

    Abraham Lincoln's Blog

  2. Oh my, a green woodpecker! This is the first time I've ever seen a picture of one. He's beautiful!

  3. What a beautiful bird! Great shot! Goddag

  4. Hi, I enjoy your series on the tree so much, I want to award you with the creativ blogger award.
    Take a look at

  5. Goddag all. I have been trying to get a decent shot of that bird for quite some time and this is the best one so far.

  6. I've never seen a green woodpecker, either. We have the redheaded kind who mess up our palm trees.

    Birds are hard to get right, but you did it and he/she really does blend in.

    Good job!

  7. Strange looking bird, beautiful

  8. You would lose sight of the bird had it not been so much in the front. Great moment.

  9. What a magnificent bird! I could use one to eat all the ants around my house!

  10. Hey, snyggt foto igen.
    Har du lyckats ungå att se hackspetten på Långäven som ofta sitter och hackar på en lyktstolpe?
    Han är också grön vad jag kommer ihåg. Samma pippi?
    (Skriver anonymt för min blogg ligger lite på is nu.
    Hälsn. Vero.

  11. Den pippin har jag nog inte sett Veronica, men jag har fotat en Sidensvans i dom krokarna.
