Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Big Garden Birdwatch


The past weekend saw the annual Big Garden Birdwatch in Sweden and a few other countries. I participated for the third year running. All you have to do is observe your feeding area for about an hour or so and write down all visitors. On my list this year was The Common Blackbird, March Tit, Blue Tit and Great Tit (have to love that name). We also noticed many Magpies, a few Eurasian Nuthatches and one example of the very photo shy Green Woodpecker. Not the outcome as I was hoping for. Some of the missing birds where the Great Spotted Woodpecker and The Greenfinch, but I'm sure they will be back soon.


  1. We used to do this when my children were small...just to let them learn to identify native birds. This one is so colorful.

  2. Who said bird photos weren't interesting? As your bird count attests, we all have different visitors to our backyard feeders. This bird is amazing to me as I have never seen one like it before.

  3. Nice way to combine two hobbies - photography and bird watching. I've never been much for bird watching but can appreciate the appeal.

  4. Steffe, this is such a pretty bird. I like the bokeh in the photo, too! I find birds very hard to photograph, they move so fast. Once in a while I get lucky, but not with ones like you've captured. The Tits and Chickadees just flitter and flit so quickly! Good for you!
    Seattle Daily Photo

  5. I do take many of my bird photos from home. I have a bench where I often sit and read (and also enjoys a beer or three), and from there I can zoom in on the birds that visit the veranda and the nearby trees. Before I became a compulsive photographer I didn't care much for birds, but know I'm always on the lookout for them!

  6. We are having something similar here coming up in February called the Great Backyard Bird Count! I plan to participate.
