At the Cruiser Meet on Saturday there was a Greaser Girl contest. I decided to find one of the contestants and take a portrait for the 100 Strangers project. But that turned out to be tricky, I saw no one wearing the numbered page. I asked Kenny if he had spotted any good looking greaser girls, and he said that he was there when they picked the contestants but he had only seen one! That explained the situation, so I took another round with my eyes open for pretty girls, and I got lucky as I found not one, but two pretty girls! Meet Madde and Sandra. They are friends and were at the meet with their buddy Benny ,having arrived in style in his Ford. Madde (to the left), lives in Västerhaninge and works at a Supermarket in Handen. Sandra comes from Vendelsö, and works as a youth centre employee. They often travel to music festivals together. I asked them if they had done anything unusual and told them what Ego had done, as an example to what I wanted to hear. And they gave me two examples. But after thinking it over I have decided not to let you know what the girls told me. And in the end I'm sure they will be quite happy about that. Still, it was nice to meet them. If I see them again maybe I can get some other stories that I can tell you about.
This is my 80th photo for the 100 Strangers project. You can see the rest of my strangers in my Set
Cool chicks!