Monday, August 25, 2008

Haninge Dance Studio

Haninge Dance Group

As I walk around the Poseidon's square in Handen Saturday, during Haninge day, I suddenly see a group of young women dressed as cowgirls and I decide to check them out and perhaps get my first group photo for this project. I ask who they are and they explain that they are members of the Haninge Dance Studio. We are going on stage in a few minutes one of the girls tell me. I quickly explain about the 100 Strangers Project and they line up for a group portrait. So here we go. Starting from the left, this is Fredrik, Kimmie, Caroline, Karin, Jenny, Philip, My and Sofie. The guys are not dancers, we just needed two cowboys for this act. And as they wanted two really cool guys, they picked us said Fredrik. The girls have been dancing together since 2001, but this constellation have only been together for six months. Their ages range from 17 to 23.Today we will perform a modern jazz dance act with influences of western dance they tell me as they mention that you can hire the group for a dance show via ther web site. A few minutes later they are performing on the big stage. I'm no dance expert but I liked what I saw and the audience looked very impressed and gave them a big hand of appluads.

This is my 76th photo for the 100 Strangers project. You can see the rest of my strangers in my Set.

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