Thursday, July 17, 2008

Meet the Dentist


I took a walk around Stegsholm at the Gålö peninsula a few days ago. Half way round the 2,3 km path I met a photographer who I started to talk to. His name is Hans. A dentist from Saltsjöbaden. He shoots film. Whether in Rome or on the Swedish island Gotland or when trekking at Høvringen in Norway. We talked about photography and I then made a joke relating to an ad campaign which reminded Hans about a few (non-paying) photo gigs. A few years ago the coffee company Gevalia ran a lengthy and price-winning ad campaign called "when you have unexpected visitors" which was made by Ivar Klaesson, a friend of Hans. They were out scouting for locations and photo opportunities together. Another time he took a ferry to Åland and shot some photos on the boat that ended up in a campaign for the ferry company. Recently he visited a candy factory with a journalist friend, Cristina Aasa who was writing an article and Hans helped out by taking the the photos, but then I used a digital camera he told me. And he always gets a good deal on anything printed as one of hos patients are Håkan Holmberg, CEO of Crimson Photolab. Sounds like a friend I would like to have!

This is my 59th photo for the 100 Strangers project. You can see the rest of my strangers in my Set

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