Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sarcastic Undertone

Sarcastic Undertone ♫

I suddenly hear music. I stop and have a look around. On a grassy field next to the commuter station in Västerhaninge I see two girls sitting on a blanket singing and playing the guitar. Surely they must be 100 Strangers material! And yes, Sef and Theo agrees to have their photo taken. I tell them about the Horror Nipples guys I met last week and sure enough Theo knows who they are! They tell me that they have played together for a few years off and on while playing in different bands. What kind of music do you play I ask. We don't like labels they answer, but we call our selves Sarcastic Undertone. They practise in their respective homes or at Saf's place. Last year they visited the Arvika Festival. They laugh and say that they have their own language. It's called Böj. And also their very own dance, that doesn't have a name! I ask them to play something for me as I start to take photos and they oblige. I got to hear a few songs. Some that they have written and also a little Nirvana. This summer they plan to do a little busking in Stockholm. They don't yet have a MySpace site. We don't have enough material for that, but we are very ambitious so who knows what might happen in the future. So, not long from now, when you hear them on the radio or on MTV, remember where you heard about them for the first time...

This is my 20th photo for the 100 Strangers project. You can see the rest of my strangers in my Set.


  1. The emos have made it to Sweden! They're spreading.

    I'm really enjoying this series Steffe, and am glad that you're doing it.

  2. Thanks kris. Ha ha, yes they are here. I'm starting to see everyone I meet as possible "Strangers No More" material!
