Friday, April 25, 2008

A 360 rural panorama


A Rural Landscape

Do you like big open rural landscapes? I do. This is a 360 (or 375) panorama I took yesterday. From Ormsta in Österhaninge. It took 26 photos (portrait style). What you see is the Ormsta farm and also a bunch of golfers down at Husby . If you look real hard you can also find the leaning church tower. There's a rune stone and a few old cars in the forest. The road here is only used by the local farmer and maybe a flickr member or two.

Best at the original size. And don't worry I have scaled it down quite a bit.


  1. I have to say I found the muddy road picture more interesting but then I'd have missed that if I hadn't noticed what looked at a pencil on the portal and then thought - that must be a panorama.
    I downloaded it to view in my paint programme as it almost fills the height of a window - I certainly couldn't detect any joins - I'll look again later and see if i can make out the church you mention.

  2. Interesting. I like the contrasts between the two photos.

  3. The flickr version is 13000 pixel's wide. The original was more than 40000 pixel's wide. I had some serious problems with this. In the end I made two panoramas each with 13 photos and then manually put those two together in photoshop.

  4. Impressive panorama. Anyone on broadband, don't miss this.

  5. I took another one up at the old tree yesterday. Stay tuned!
