Saturday, March 01, 2008

Graffiti Collage

I have a flickr set with graffiti and street art photos. From those photos I choose to make a collage with the help of bighugelabs mosaic maker. I like some graffiti, like the Homer Simpson, it's from a pedestrian tunnel in Handen, but dislike the one called Modern Vikings, and I don't think I have to tell you why. Here are links to the four photos:

Homer Simpson.

Graffiti Artist.

Modern Vikings.


Normally I would have links to all 144 participants in the theme day, but as I and a few other bloggers were stopped because of some new silly rule, you will have to look elsewhere for that.


  1. I added four late-comers [one is actually not a CDPB blog but they told me they'd be posting the theme] so you are included in my list - I pared the list down a bit [cutting out the countries and names except for duplicate cities] to make it more readable too.

    I won't be adding to it though or converting them to permalinks.

  2. Homer is as globalised as Coca Cola or Maccas! So far I've seen him today in Sweden and Indonesia. Perhaps we need a "Homer Simpson " theme day?
    In Sydney I chose to show the Green Boy

  3. I like the "graffiti artist" photo the best. Very nice!

  4. Looks like Homer has had a hard day

  5. This is Homer...this is Homer on drugs...

  6. Nice collage. I love the Homer too, and feel the same way about the "modern vikings"
