Friday, June 08, 2007

Old Cottage

Summer Road

One of the old cottages at Berga Agricultural College. If you find your way down to the gravel road far away to the right, you will end up at Kapp Ekeby Road that dates back to the Viking era.


  1. I adore your small house in the meadow!

    the holidays will be calm here

  2. It is a nice old house. I like your photo of the scene.

    Abraham Lincoln
    My Post: Local woman dies in house fire
    Brookville Daily Photo

  3. Your words " the Viking-era" made me want to see more picture in bigger size. This is very, very old house I say. Interesting picture.

  4. Thanks all. And iblowfish, if you would like to see a bigger version of any of my photos just head over to flickr and when looking at a photo choose all sizes and then original size. I don't think this cottage is that old, but I do have one flickr set with rune stones and one set called Vikingland if you are interested.
