Just a km from Handen City Centre this is rural Mellanberg. The farm, house and laundry barns are from 1920, but the farm itself dates back 300 years. Up until 1940 you could by milk directly from the farmer. The laundry closed in 1976. Today a privatly owned property, but there's a bike path going through here, open for everyone. A small stream runs nearby. Just a few hundred meters to the left from here, an area called Kolartorp with some 60 houses are being developed and soon a few hundred houses will be found in this area.
Change -- is the population growing, or are people moving in from other areas? Or?
The population is growing in Haninge. There are new areas being developed all the time. The latest project will be Vegastaden or Vega City, north from here, that will house 3000 people. For that, a new commuter station will be built.