Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning at the Krigslida Commuter Station. This newish waiting area actually has built in infra heating and uncomfortable benches! There's only one track here at the 100 year old Nynäsbanan that goes from Stockholm down to the seaport city of Nynäshamn. But work has begun on a second track between Västerhaninge and Tungelsta where I live.


  1. I think I liked the old one better, the one by Mulstavägen. Just sentimental, I guess.

  2. It’s an interesting old railroad, probably established without much thought about additional bus services. If I remember correctly the town (village, I guess...) Nynäshamn is proud to offer no less than four different stations within a ridiculously small distance on this commuter line.

  3. Nynäs gård
    Nynäs havsbad
    Nynäshamns station
    Nynäshamns färjeterminal.

  4. Right you are. How many inhabitants per station? ;)
