Thursday, March 15, 2007

At the Ice Rim

At the Ice Rim

Took a promenade around Lake Rudan. Lots of people out walking and running and even a few people ( me included) that was just sitting along the boardwalk promenade enjoying the sunshine. I met one of the ice fishers, he said the ice was too thin to walk on so he drilled a hole in the ice from one of the piers. This photo is shot from the north end of Lower Lake Rudan. From a small hill where in the summer time you will find sunbathers, anglers and sometimes a camper or two sitting at the barbeque are enjoying a meal.


  1. A sign of the times, the ice changing color. I guess that’s true on both sides of town… :)

  2. this is such a beautiful photo-love the colors and your commentary makes me hopeful for Spring!

  3. Same weather today(at least on this side of Stockholm), but we are expecting falling temperatures over the next week.
