Thursday, December 07, 2006

Lake Reflection

Lake Reflection

The lake is Lillsjön or Little Lake. A long time ago there was a bridge not far from the lake called Jordbro and that's how Jordbro got it's name. Back then there was an old pub next to the bridge. Both pub and bridge are long gone. Bigger Photo.

See where I shot this photo from. [?]


  1. Gorgeous, prize-winning scene! I want to be there.

  2. That is a beautiful photo. It looks like northern Minnesota! That's one reason so many Swedish immigrants settled here.. it looked like home.

  3. cool~~~
    those house look so wonderful~~

    shanghai daily photo

  4. Wow that's beautiful. I wish our local water hole was as healthy.

  5. What you don't see here is that they are next door neighbours with an industrial park. However they are protected by a forest on all sides so they can hear the traffic nearby, but no one can see this little house and lake from there. You need to walk into the forest which I did.
