Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Full Moon

Full Moon

There's a hill at Bergdalen in Tungelsta where I live. I often go up there to capture the sunset. This time it was a few hours later and the moon was full. I find it very peaceful to sit up there in the dark and look at the stars, or as in this case earth's natural satellite.


  1. I'm impressed. It reminds me of one awhile ago that Kala (Honolulu) posted.

  2. You must have a really good camera to capture that. What kind do you use?

  3. Thanks all. I used a Canon EOS Digital Rebel with the Canon Lens EF 75-300mm for this moon shot and I used a tripod.

  4. ... and it's nice to know that we can look up at the same moon at the same time! Small world, no? Lili (USA)
