Monday, November 27, 2006

Waves rolling in

Waves rolling in

The waves rolling in from Hårsfjärden, in the Baltic sea at Årsta havsbad in Haninge. From my Sunday visit. 10C, a few people out walking. And me with camera. A nice day.


  1. Ok...bear with me...((9/5)*10)+32=50F. I have some bearing (I wonder why we have not changed to the Metric System like they said would happen 30 years ago!). Pretty warm for that far north! I would think that it would be much colder! What is it normally at the end of November?

  2. beautiful picture stefan. you captured every little detail.

  3. I believe normal temperature around Stockholm for this late in November should be between 0C and 2C (32 to 36 F). We did have a snow fall a couple of weeks ago, but it all melted away within a couple of days. Thanks edwin, there's a few more photos from this visit at flickr.
