Saturday, September 30, 2006

That Old Tree

That Old Tree (September 30th)

Saturday again. Time for a visit to the old tree. Every week I take one or two photos of this beautiful old oxel that stands on a big open field at Välsta in Tungelsta. I met Jimmy today, he was out walking with his dog, Zeena. If you want to see all photos of this tree press this button.
View slideshow

Friday, September 29, 2006

A Day On Earth

This is a flickr project that started on this day last year called A Day On Earth. You upload a photo and title it with city and country. Then it will be blogged on the A Day On Earth Blog.

Jordbro, Sweden

My photo is an update from a construction site that keep an eye on. The new quarry at the industrial park in Jordbro. I take this road when I'm on my way up to Lake Rudan. This was a forest last year. Next year there will be a few new industrial estates here. If you don't have a flickr account, don't worry you can still join.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Just a tree

But I like it. It's a gnarly looking birch tree, and I pass it whenever I'm on my way to shoot my other tree project, the old oak at Välsta. It's very windy part of Välsta which makes for even better photos.

Just a tree

See where these pictures where taken. [?]


A slideshow with a few photos from my favorite beach, Årsta Havsbad in Haninge.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Another hot day at Bergdalen

A few of the clones started the day by reading the morning paper and drinking a cup of tea. Lazy clone (to the right) figured it was better to go back to bed.
Morning Clones

Have a look at the right. Behind Bug Chasing Clone. That's Evil Clone. He was going to cut down all the flowers but we stopped him in time. Another warm and sunny day here in Sweden today. Possibly the last one, but you never know. All the clones are holding their fingers crossed and are hoping for another summer's day tomorrow.

Bug Chasing Clone

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Clones in Jordbro

It is Clones week at Haninge Daily Photos this week.

Amazing weather today. The clones suggested that we would go out and take some autumn photos. Here you can see three of them resting and/or posing on a bench at the ancient grave field in Jordbro.

Clones at the ancient grave field

Monday, September 25, 2006

Me and the clones

My serious side

A very misty and gray day in Tungelsta. Me and the clones sat out on the veranda feeling miserable. I guess you could say that summer is over now, but you never know!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Autumn Colors

Autumn Colors

We call autumn Höst. And Autumn Colors is called Höstfärger. From the Nature Park Slätmossen in Handen. Shot this from one of the bridges. I often stop here and enjoy the view and chat away with the ducks. It looks like the swedish version of the Indian Summer, the Brittsommar continues and I'm not complaining.

See where this picture was taken. [?]

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Friday, September 22, 2006

Jester (with added gum)

Jester (with added gum)

You can find a few sculptures made by Bror Marklund in Västerhaninge. Marklund lived and worked in Tungelsta when my dad was young. My dad informed us that Marklund did many erotic sculptures and used a few local girls as models. He married one of them. Today some joker has put a piece of gum on this jester.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

John Deere

Two old barns and a tractor

A John Deere tractor parked next to a few old barns at Söderby Road in Lillgården, Tungelsta..

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

It only took 25 years...

Todays photo really should have been taken 25 years ago. That is for how long the construction of this road has been delayed. Many people have lost their life's on the dangerous Road 73 over the last decades. Now finally they are preparing for the new road between Fors in Västerhaninge and down to the port town of Nynäshamn. This photo is part of a zooming sequence and the other photos can be seen in my Zooming in set.
See where the new road will go. [?]

Preparing for the new road

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Biofuel Power Station

This is Drefvikens Power Station in Jordbro. Where the electricity comes from. Just hours after I posted this a fire broke out in the power plant. No news yet about that.

Blue Sky

The Fossil Fuel Power Station

Monday, September 18, 2006

Misty Monday Morning

Misty Monday Morning

The view out my window on this monday morning the day after the election. A bit misty. The coalition won and we will get a new government. The new Prime Minister will be Fredrik Reinfeldt.
He looks like this btw:

The new Prime Minister

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Sheepherding at Nedersta

This woman (looks pregnant) usually trains her dog in the late afternoon. Earlier in the summer one of the sheep managed to sneak out of the pasture. Not so today. The building in the background are from an industrial area on the other side of the railway called Håga.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Is it a bomb?

A suspicious object have been found at an election canvassing hut at the Västerhaninge shopping centre. The police has called off the area. The press has arrived, as has the bomb squad, and me of course.The election takes place tomorrow, sunday.

Police standing guard.

Zoomed in on the police

Bomb squad arrives.

The bomb squad arrives

The press photographers arrives.

3 newspaper photographers

Friday, September 15, 2006

Zooming in...

I started a new flickr set today. Called Zooming in...These are the first photos. A building site in Handen that I visit now and then.

It's a building site

It's a crane at a building site

It's a builder on a crane at a building site

See where this picture was taken. [?]

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Piano Lessons Anyone?

Lukasz bought this piano today for 500 SEK (70 USD). He says he can sell it in Poland for 13 000 SEK (1 800 USD). That sounds like a plan.

Herrmann Heidrich Nachflg.

If you wanna hear Danuta play on the piano, I made a short video that you can watch here.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006



He's that trumpet playing angel at the Mormon Temple in Västerhaninge, but i have never heard him play anything!

On Google Map

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Antiques Barn

Across the road from the shopping centre in Västerhaninge you will find this little red barn. At Åby and that's why it's called Åby Lada. They sell antiques and furniture here. I didnt buy anything, I take pictures.

At the Antiques Barn

Monday, September 11, 2006

The Eskils Park

Eskils Park

A big open, very green (in the summer that is) park in central Handen. 70 years ago this was a sandpit. The landscape architect who designed the park was Sture Koinberg. This is the perfect place for a picnic, some crocket, sunbathing, take your pick. I often stop here and read the newspaper. Did I mention that the Haninge Cheer Elite often practice here?


This part of the park opened in 1996. The artist was PYE Engström. The name works better in swedish as Handen as well as the city of Handen also means hands. The artwork was made by Granite.If you walk, the big mall is a few minutes away from here, and Lake Rudan is another 10 minutes away.

The Olof Palme Place at the park. Named of course after the murdered prime minister. Ormteatern and a few other local theatre groups often performs at the amphitheatre.

The Eskils Park

Eskils Park

A big open, very green (in the summer that is) park in central Handen. 70 years ago this was a sandpit. The landscape architect who designed the park was Sture Koinberg. This is the perfect place for a picnic, some crocket, sunbathing, take your pick. I often stop here and read the newspaper. Did I mention that the Haninge Cheer Elite often practice here?


This part of the park opened in 1996. The artist was PYE Engström. The name works better in swedish as Handen as well as the city of Handen also means hands. The artwork was made by Granite.If you walk, the big mall is a few minutes away from here, and Lake Rudan is another 10 minutes away.

The Olof Palme Place

The Olof Palme Place at the park. Named of course after the murdered prime minister. Ormteatern and a few other local theatre groups often performs at the amphitheatre.

Sunday, September 10, 2006


Sitting up a tree having lunch

Ekorre. That's what we call squirrels. Ekorrar. This one lives up a hazel tree in my back garden. I could hear him and went out to get some shots but he wouldnt have it. I had to take a ladder and climb up on the living room roof to get some good shots!

Are you taking my picture?

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Stepping back in time

Shot this one year ago. A man sunbathing on a pier at Östnora. We call it sensommarsol or late summer sun when the summer makes a late return! Expecting summer temperatures now. Starting tomorrow! So I may have to go down to this pier and have another look. Did I mention that summer is my favorite season?

Last days of summer...

Friday, September 08, 2006

Xpeedio II

Sailing is very popular pastime in Sweden, although the season is very short. There are a few big regattas every summer. This boat the Xpeedio II raced in the Gotland Runt last year. Shot this on a visit to Årsta brygga.

Xpeedio I

Xpeedio II

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Elk Meeting

Elk (Alces alces) Hunting or Moose Hunting is a popular sport (or as the hunters call it wildlife conservation), in Sweden. This year some 90 000 elks will be shot. There will be 300 000 hunters sitting on their stools in the forests around the country starting this week in September. I don't hunt. I take pictures. I took this photo in a forest in Tungelsta on my way home. I saw the elk and had time to set up the camera for a few photos. If you want to learn more, the Hunting Association has info in english.

Meandering through the forest...

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Ugly Sweden

Long Time Parking One of my flickr friends, the lovely Sexy Swedish Babe has started a new group called Ugly Sweden. This is a perfect photo for that group. This has been a caravan parking in Håga for a few guys that live up north and work and live here during the weeks. Not sure what the owner is planning to do now...

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Ghostly Mailbox

I noticed that Alexandria Daily Photo had some cool photos of unique mailboxes a few days ago. I have a flickr set with mailboxes from around Haninge. Only 14 photos so far but whenever I see one I like I add it to the set. Here's my favorite.

Ghostly Mailbox

Monday, September 04, 2006

Sky Windows

Going minimalistic today. This is a new warehouse or factory that is being constructed at the industrial park in Jordbro. You have the Perfect swedish colors here, blue and yellow. They are still working on the roof, so you are looking at the sky through these windows. It is NOT a reflection. I'm very happy with this shot.

Sky Windows

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Is This Egypt?

Is This Egypt?

Found this green grasshopper on a fence I was going to jump over on my morning promenade. It started to rain and as I don't have a water-proof camera I took a few quick snaps of the grasshopper and this was the best one.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Apple trees at Hammarbo

A psychiatric clinic in Tungelsta. In Autumn. Here is Hammarbo in May. Here is Hammarbo in january and here as a snowy panorama picture from november 2004.

Apple Trees at Hammarbo

Friday, September 01, 2006

Where does this door lead to?

I'm not saying. You will have to come here and see for yourself. This was part of the 2005 Art Promenade that goes between the ancient grave field in Jordbro and down the old viking road to the Art Gallery in Österhaninge.

Where does this door lead to?


A Volvo Digger at the Industrial Park in Jordbro. There is a lot of construction work going on here. New businesses moving in all the time.

Volvo Digger