Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Home Sweet Home

Panasonic Deluxe Inverter

Mark wanted to see a better picture of the house where I live and here it is. It was built by my great grandparents back in 1909, when they bought the land . They also built a few greenhouses. It has been a busy day here at Bergdalen in Tungelsta today. A few school kids started a fire only meters away from the greenhouses. We caught them on tape. Police was here and had a look on the video tape. There was another fire in Tungelsta a couple of weeks ago and I suspect that it is the same kids. We live next door to the local school so there's always kids running around. A few years back there was another fire in the forest behind the house. Very scary! Hopefully the police can identify the arsonists from the video.


  1. Nice house you have there. what dangerous games the boys are playing!

  2. A bit too dangerous. My neighbour had a look at some more videos last night and think that he got a few good photos that can identify a few of the kids.

  3. Thanks for the photo. You have a quite lovely place. It's so nice to be able to keep your family home.
    Sorry for not posting sooner. I've had a return bout of the flu and not been at the computer for a few days.
    I hope they catch the kids starting the fires. That's so dangerous to everyone.
